Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Paying it Forward Worked Backwards: Thankfulness

I would like to believe that there are still good people in the world and that I am a good person. I am nice but not naïve. I am careful with who I call friend and foe. It is always nice to know that there are people in the world, especially Los Angeles, that are not so self-centered that they can care about someone else.

On the bus the one day, there was a girl that was digging in her back for some change for the fare. She was fully prepared to put a couple of dollars in oppose to the standard 1.50 fare but the bill collector was broken so the bus driver told her to just put the change in. I watched her dig in her back hoping from some change and she wasn't seemingly having any luck. I saw her frustration and immediately reached in my handbag as the bus driver said minor antagonizing comments as if she wasn't trying to pay her way. I reached over tapping her on the leg attempting not to lose my balance and handed her 50 cents. She tried to hand me a dollar bills saying thank you but I wouldn't take it. We proceeded to have a back and forth exchange of please take/ no, thank you. I smiled and she reciprocated. She got up and paid her fare and walked towards the back of the bus. I prefer to sit in the front – we don't have to do that back of the bus thang anymore and I prefer to take full advantage of that (laugh). She told me thank you again and insisted that I have a great day. It felt good to be able to help someone and little did I know that a few days later that I would need to be helped that same way.

The other day while on the way to my temp assignment (work), I missed my commuter bus which I had paid for a transfer. I didn't have the time to wait for the next commuter bus or I would be late. I checked my purse but didn't have enough fare and the ATM was out at the gas station. I had changed handbags that morning leaving my lose money in the pocket of the other bag. I panicked and prayed. I was in the midst of my near anxiety attack when this nice Hispanic lady told me to calm down and tell her what the matter was. I told her the situation and she said the bus is coming. She walked away and I went back into panic. SIDEBAR: Those that know me personally know that I am a HUGE crybaby, so a few tears began to fall from my face. She walked back over to me and grabbed my hand saying come on. She passed me the fare and got on the bus. I rejoiced and immediately relaxed. She smiled and I expressed an abundance of appreciated thank yous as I took my seat across and behind her. The bus was not too crowded and since it is what they call a Rapid here in LA, it only made major street stops. I reached in my bag, grabbed my notebook – I always have one on me – wrote her a little note, leaving my phone number for her to call me so that I could give it back to her. When I came to my stop, I passed her note saying thank you again. I got off the bus to walk up the hill to my building when my cell phone rang. I did not recognize the number but answered anyway. It was her. She said, "Hello, this is the lady from the bus. Don't worry about paying me back. I am glad that I was able to help someone today. God is good and I see Him in you". Again, the water works came upon me and I told her that I really appreciated it. She told me to have a blessed day and abruptly hung up. It was nice and I thanked God for the blessing. Oh, and I made it to work early and very much on time.

Sometimes paying it forward works backwards and when you live your life as good as possible, it is recognized. I am thankful for the opportunity to help and be helped. Life isn't always about you but what how you live it, no matter your circumstance. We all have things going on in our lives that seem overwhelming monumental and sometimes the minimal things don't get their recognition. I appreciate that there are still good people out there that aren't so into self that they can't think of someone else. I have wonderful friends in my life that prove this point every day. I try to make sure that they all know that I sincerely appreciate them as much as possible.

So, I challenge you to just think of someone else and if you can help, help. If you have people in your life that are just good to you just because, tell them you appreciate them. Do something nice for them. Comfort someone that needs comfort or encouragement. Do your part to better and/or makes someone else be better. When you sow good seeds, it will always comes back to you one way or another. I'm grateful and so thankful. Thankfulness. Be blessed friends.


JStar said...

AMEN to this post...I try to do this...Even if I dont really have it because I know He will provide...Each act of kindness will be rewarded...

1ManView said...

I try to be that way, which drives my wife crazy, because of all the nuts in this world. But I feel if you had a flat tire in front of my house and I have the skill and tools to change it in 1-2-3, there was a reason they stopped in front of my house. I had one lady who just had to pay me for helping her, I finally told her it wouldn't be in good faith, if I took her money. She stood there with a strange look on her face as I walked back to my house. When I was growing up, good faith was common practice, today people think it's a sign of weakness...

Freckles said...

JStar, I love when I hear from you. It is not always about money. Sometimes the little things. Thanks for coming by girly.

1Manview, wonderful to have you in this special space. LOL @ drives your wife crazy. When you sow good seeds it prepares for a bountiful harvest. Good faith is somewhat lost but it is up to those that of us to do out part. Thanks for stopping by - dont be a stranger.

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