I love Kat. I believe that she is very talented and quite innovative with her thought process. I fell in love with her blog and her creatively detailed escapades. The blog was full of snippets to pull your curosity. If you haven't followed her blog, please check it out: My Downlow Life. I was extremely excited to see that the book was finally finished and read it as soon as I got it - Thanks Kat.
I have finished the book - I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo enjoyed it and it was extremely haute.
Freckles Review
Life On The Low: Creepin with Hip Hip

She provides extensive details of all of her intimate rendezvous and allows the reader to understand each. I especially enjoyed being able to understand each characters perspective and see their motives, thought process and insecurities which compiles a complete view of how their lives merge. You escape into her world and feel her pain paralleled with her naughty desires which are vividly versed vivaciously (say that three times fast) and leaving you wanting a little piece. You feel for her, with her and may even want to be her. It is amazing how I was insync with each moment from start to finish. This was a great read.
This coming into yourself story is a rollercoaster ride with all the ups, downs and loops that will make you smile, blush, tear and even moisten. I definitely recommend this book to all of those needing a little passion and pain to keep them warm or even ignite a fire of desire within.
Kat, Thank you so much for everything. Your words of encouragement have meant so much to me. I appreciate you caring enough to send me your book and feel that suggesting this to others would be the least that I could do for your generosity and friendship. I know loyalty/ honesty and devotion are not much to some but to me they are the world. I loved your book and look forward to reading more of you
Wow Freckles!! What an awesome rush you gave me with this heartfelt review! I can tell from the way you stated it that you were writing from your heart.
You honestly owe me nothing. I am the one who feels indebted to you and all of my devoted readers for lending me your time, being open to my naughty book, and then giving me such fabulous rave reviews!
I asked for honest opinions, and I honestly feel the love here. I was totally open to anything you had to say, and I'm so pleased that all you could do was say amazing things about my work.
I'm here for you! Thank you for months of being there for me. By the way, I will be emailing your invite to my private blog, the sequel to the book!
I'm glad you liked the book, I did too! You have some good posts that I'll be sure to read soon
= ] xo!
Kat's book is so intriguing, I read it in two days and still wanted more!! This is a great tribute!
thanks ladies. It was great and she is so talented.
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