Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Peace Out 2013: My Reflection

2013 has been quite a year.  It has been full of ups and downs, ins and outs with some high and lows.  There were storms and light after and under the rainbows.  There were some good moments and there were some moments that I wish I would have been better.

Ups And Downs
This year I was finally promoted but it was not at all what I expected.  People were different on this other side.  There were politics.  There weren’t every many perks and I worked damn hard.  I cried every day the first month in this position.  I am a strong woman that felt broken in moments.  It was quite the transition.  Sometimes God gives you exactly what you as for to show you it is not what was meant for you.  However with that all being said… I grew a lot in this position.  I learned a lot about me while learning this company.  I am not really into politics but they are everywhere.  I grew, maintained and conquered.  However, I am hopeful for changes and career upgrades in the New Year.

Seasons change and so do relationships.  This year some relationships concluded, some began and others grew.  There were friendships that were supposed to be everlasting that didn’t make it. It is always hard to say good bye to a person that you invested your time and love.  It can be hard to cope with but just like the season things change. I am not in the business of changing people.  People only change should they decide to change.  Some people just who they are and I choose to no longer deal.  I was hopeful that I would have met him this year but I am still hopeful.  This year strengthened some of my friendships.  My crew is amazing.  We are good women that are good to each other.  I am so grateful to have wonderful people in my life.


This year I accomplished my body.  My weight has an ongoing battle/struggle for about 15 years. I have been every size from 8-20 and yes I said 20 but that was my last straw. I’ve been in battle with my weight for over 10 years. It has been a hell of a roller coaster ride that I think I finally have a handle on. My highest known weight (there was a point I stopped stepping on any such scale) was 238 (it may have gotten a bit heavier). I lost/gained several times. Now I’m at a cool 166 with some work to do. It’s a work in progress that makes me feel good. No more high blood pressure, sugar scare, water pills... I’m doing the work that it takes to get my health under control. Healthy is the new sexy. Wish there was a trick or quick fix but it’s not. When you decide you’re ready to commit to you... you will endure the workout and make better food choices on a regular basis. I still indulge and love a cocktail or 5 but there is balance. It’s also important to have supportive people. My circle is amazing and encouraging. I’m so blessed to now have wonderful people in my life. It’s a continual journey but I now know I am so worth it.

I am so thankful to have made it in my right mind this year.  Sometimes the valley gets really dark.  There are still good and bad days.  The holidays have a way of reflecting upon those that are no longer with us and for a moment you just feel.  Then there is possibilities and opportunities of A New Year with New Blessings.

New Things...New Heartaches...New Lessons...New Trials...New Love...New Ups...New Downs...New News...

Am I ready...YES!!!!!!

Peace Out 2013
HEY 2014


DianaBoss said...

Awww! Great recap and You're looking HOT as usual!

Happy New Year Honey Bun~

1ManView said...

Nice piece, sometimes we need to reflect so we can move on..

Have a great day,
And better tomorrows...

Freckles said...

thanks loves. I appreciate the love.


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