Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Day 1: List 10 Things that Make You Really Happy.

In no particular order

1. no longer being single makes me really happy.  The struggle was real and I have to admit there was a time that I wasn't sure if marriage was ever really going to happen for me.  I am happy that I was eventually receptive to this man.  He has brought a passion into my life that I didn't know was missing.

2. My husband's love and support of me and my family makes me happy.  It is not every day that a person can truly love his inlaws in a way that is like his very own. I love and appreciate that about him.  It makes me extremely happy to know that we journey through life together with such love.

3. I am happy to know that I have really wonderful people in my life that simply want the very best for me.  It has a long road to friendship which leads me to #4

4. I am happy to know and have such discernment which piggybacks on my #3.  Throughout life there are times when your  thoughts, beliefs and love for people are tested.  I have not always passed those test.  There have been times when people have stayed around a lot longer than they should have (I allowed it) and it sometimes clouded my judgement on people that were for me.  This makes me really happy.

5. fantastic eyelashes and lipstick makes me happy.  not a typical something but these girly things are awesome to me.

6. My new children make me happy in a way that I did not know was possible.  I am newly married and do not plan on having children of my own but thankfully my husband came with kids that are pretty awesome.  It is a major transition but it has proven to be fairly rewarding thus far.

7. Music makes me really happy.  Real Music with great lyrics and not just a hot beat.

8. LOVE makes me really happy.  Again, I have amazing people in my life that I genuinely love through the thick of it,  Being so far away has truly made me solidify how much these people mean to me.

9.  Brunch makes me really happy when you're amongst like minded people that believe that cocktails are necessary

10. WORDS - I always feel that I have so much to say but always want to be understood.  I try my best to use my words to the best of my ability.

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